YEHUDI MENUHIN, the Violinist

Yehudi Menuhin (1916-1999) was a Jewish American violinist and conductor born in New York to Lithuanian immigrants. He spent most of his career performing in Europe and is considered one of the greatest violinists of the 20th Century. Menuhin began learning the violin at age four, and by the time he was seven was doing solo performances with the San Francisco Symphony. During World War II he played for allied soldiers and performed for the inaugural United Nations assembly in 1945. Menuhin went on to become an honorary Knight of the British empire.
“The violin, through the serene clarity of its song, helps to keep our bearings in the storm, as a light in the night, a compass in the tempest, it shows us a way to a haven of sincerity and respect.”
Black and white photograph of Yehudi Menuhin, young, playing violin,

Black and white photograph of Yehudi Menuhin, young, playing violin. PC-2953. American Jewish Archives, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Black and white photograph of Yehudi Menuhin.

Black and white photograph of Yehudi Menuhin. PC-2953. American Jewish Archives, Cincinnati, Ohio.