Harriet Beecher Stowe Correspondence With R. Isaac Mayer Wise

On August 4, 1854, the renowned abolitionist and famous author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811–1896), wrote a letter to Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise (1819–1900) thanking him for sending her a copy of his recently published History of the Israelitisch Nation

She wrote, “It is with some deep emotion that I receive from a Jew, the history of that singular and sacred nation to whom I, in common with all the world, am indebted for the preservation and transmission of the oracles of God .…”

The original letter can be viewed as part of the AJA’s Isaac Mayer Wise Digital Archive. Rabbi Isaac M. Wise’s book, History of the Israelitisch Nation, is also accessible through the American Jewish Archives.

Harriet Beecher Stowe Letter to Isaac Mayer Wise, Aug 4, 1854. American Jewish Archives, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Photograph of Rabbi Isaac M. Wise retrieved from a scrapbook compiled of his life and death. The image is attached the the paper and covered with dried leaves and flowers.

Photograph of Rabbi Isaac M. Wise retrieved from a scrapbook compiled of his life and death, undated. American Jewish Archives, Cincinnati, Ohio.